To help more people within your community access transport … to give them better service …. you need ORCODA Community Transport (OCT). Software to aggregate and optimise your resources and assets, and automate your operations.

Notify App
- Notifications - SMS, Email or In-app
- Devices - Android or Apple
- }Real-time status updates

In-vehicle Devices
- Driver Safety Checks
- Devices - Android or Apple or Telematics
- Electronic Runsheet
- One Touch Navigation
- Delivery Authorisation (PoD)
- Site Survey
- Client notes for Drivers
- Work offline

Aggregation through optimisation is vital to get the most out of your resources and assets
Optimisation of your Fleet, Staff and Routes
Optimise your job allocation and sequencing, schedule, roster and route
Do More with Less
Automate your daily repetitive tasks. Easy Single Click DEX reports.
Our Happy Customers

“We are looking forward to working with Orcoda and Teletrac Navman and their teams of experts in Transport Logistics. Their full-service approach to implementing digital transformation and the material efficiencies we envisage from the integrated platforms, made its adoption an easy decision for us to make in order to deliver a better service to our clients.”
Andrew Watson, CEO of Burnie Brae

“The new ORCODA optimisation allocation solution will have an immediate and practical impact on the lives of the community members who can’t drive or take public transport…We are fast approaching 200,000 trips annually and travel over two million kilometres each year. The ORCODA solution will allow us to grow more efficiently.”
Terry O’Toole, CEO of TransitCare
Reduce CO2 Emissions by optimising your fleet

Frequently Asked Questions
How does OCT assist its Clients?
Orcoda’s system ensures your organisation can provide more trips to the community you serve.
- Our optimisation algorithms are focused on moving more people with the same assets
- The benefit in aggregation is that more trips are available to those in need
- OCT bookings and optimisation software is set up to consider many different constraints common in community transport (mobility, behaviour, carer/attendant, walking aids, access ramps, site considerations, etc)
- The outcome of this is more accessibility to transport for more people.
How does OCT save time in an organisation?
- Our Optimisation Solver can complete whole day scenarios in minutes (not hours or days). 500+ jobs solved and allocated in under 3 hours by 1 person
- LIVE dashboards and in-field reporting reduces phone calls and management requirements
- Client notifications and updates drastically reduce the number of calls received checking on pick up times
- One touch DEX reporting relieves hours of creating and checking reports before submittal
- Integration to finance software to pre-load client and auto-create invoices (Xero, Sage, MYOB, MS Dynamics, etc)
How does OCT improve safety?
- Sign on glass confirmation for client handover
- Incident reporting feature with photos and notes stored
- Alerts sent for exceptions, client no-shows and other events
- Pre-planned routes include fatigue management and roster allocations
- Tracking of vehicles in OCT can be replayed and stored
- Alerts for driver breaks
How does OCT improve compliance outcomes?
- OCT provides live in-field completion updates for all jobs – updates are live across all platforms
- Job completions are rolled up into end-of-trip pdf report including time, date, GPS and map location, comments, photos and sign on glass
- OCT can be used to complete digital incident reports from the field including pictures
- All trip exceptions are alerted to your organisation via email/SMS/app
- Full end of trip and end of day reporting
How does OCT add Value?
Our easy-to-use cloud-based software delivers many business benefits, including:
- Improved economies of scale
- Lower operational cost for fleet and staff
- Deliver better service to your customers
- Aggregation allows you to service more customers with less output. Do more with less!
- Fast return on investment (ROI)
- Cutting carbon emissions
- Increased compliance, health, and safety
Why should I invest in your software?
The benefits of an automated and optimised community transport system are clear. The digital transformation and optimisation facilitated by OCT dramatically improves productivity, speed, service levels, and visibility over your entire operation. The people resources and assets ‘saved’ by OCT can be re-deployed to other important tasks.
At what volumes do I need OCT?
3 key signs that indicate it’s time to start using our community transport software:
- You need more staff to handle increased bookings. Use a OCT to automate the manual work, aggregate your resources and assets, and optimise your fleet, staff and routes.
- You’re getting an increased number of calls to customer service. OCT keeps your customers in the loop at every stage, so they don’t need to expend any effort getting updates – and neither do you.
- You’re struggling to allocate jobs each day. With OCT, your team has access to real-time, accurate data and can use a single click allocation solver to work out the best solution to last minute bookings.
Do you offer local technical support?
Yes, OCT is developed and hosted in Australia, and our technical support team can be contacted via email, SMS or phone.
Our team consists of volunteers. How easy is your software to use?
Very Easy. A simple drag and drop allocation is easy to learn, and the automated reports and compliance documentation will minimise human error. We also offer simple, easy to read software manuals as a reference during training, in addition to technical support from our team when needed.
Do you need a specific in-vehicle device for the driver app or vehicle tracking?
No, OCT works on Apple or Android smart phones and tablets and is fully integrated with Teletrac Navman devices.
What can your driver app do that’s better than using Google Maps, WAZE etc?
- One touch navigation between jobs, with route optimisation for faster delivery
- Your drivers get an optimised Runsheet with full instructions for all jobs and ETAs, that are updated and monitored in real time.
- Breaks are monitored for fatigue management
- LIVE completion compliance including sign on glass and photo functions
- Status updates automatically sent to drivers, customers and your customer service team
- Pre-start checklists, driver safety declarations and vehicle notifications
Can your Driver App work without an internet connection?
Yes. OCT automatically syncs data onto the in-vehicle device at the start of each shift, so your driver can keep working even if they lose internet connection. When connection returns, OCT will simply sync back to the cloud-based software.
Does OCT integrate with existing software?
Yes. We can integrate with any CRM, Accounting, Enterprise software system if it has an API or flat file (CSV, XLS, XML) import function.
How long does implementation take?
Some projects can be set up in a day while some can take 4 weeks – and don’t worry, we view implementation as a partnership and a shared process.
Your Journey to Digital Transformation
First Contact
We want to hear from you!
Please email, phone or call us for a chat about your operations, your current issues, and how our digital system could assist.
- Short email presentation to look through at your convenience
- Your questions answered
- A better understanding of ORCODA software solutions
- From this discussion, we’ll formulate a tailored demonstration for you
How it works
In-person or on-line, we will deliver a tailored demonstration of the platform and mobile apps to your team
- In 1 hour we’ll show your team how OCT will improve your operations
- Outline the cost savings, increased compliance, reduced risk and easy reporting features
- Full email presentation with screenshots and process outlines if delivered
Complete Understanding
Gain a complete understanding of what you need from our software and ORCODA
- Formal proposal which includes pricing
- Outline any customised features
- Integrations to accounting and enterprise software
- Decide on in-vehicle device
- Agree on level of training
- Full terms & conditions
Implementation & Training
Software and training is delivered. Data upload begins
- Software uploaded in office
- Upload data from CRM and ERP, Accounting system
- Setup automated reports
- Drivers download Mobile App
- User manual and training delivered
- START receiving bookings and creating schedules and rosters
TransitCare Case Study
- Improve fleet utilisation
- Reduce costs
- Improve reporting
- Improve customer service
- Optimised routes and scheduling
- Introduction of single device in field for live reporting and communication
- Automation of end-of-day reporting
- Aggregation of information
- Saving of $1.75 million through more efficient use of existing fleet
- Reduction in unallocated jobs saving up to $7,560/day in lost revenue
- Increased visibility, safety and compliance
- Improved service for customers

Average km/trip
Billable Km
Empty Km